Articles for author: Juliet D'cruz

Juliet D'cruz

Steps for starting a gold import export business?

Steps for starting a gold import export business?

Today we will discuss steps for starting your own gold import-export business in India. Whether you’re just scrolling through metrics such as gold rate today in Delhi or Mumbai and are wondering how to set up a gold import-export business, or have already made up your mind and are ready with some capital, you’ll want ...

Juliet D'cruz

How Can You Save Money by Renting Appliances Online?

How Can You Save Money by Renting Appliances Online?

We all know that appliances can be expensive to buy outright, but did you know that you can save money by renting them online? Renting appliances online is a great way to get the appliances you need without breaking the bank. There are a few key benefits of renting appliances online: You can choose from ...

Juliet D'cruz

The Benefits of the Homeowner Assistance Fund

The Benefits of the Homeowner Assistance Fund

The Homeowner Assistance Fund is a revolutionary and one-of-a-kind program that allows homeowners to receive an immediate cash payment in exchange for their agreement that they will use MV Realty as their real estate agent if they ever decide to sell their home in the future. The HAF was established to help homeowners who were ...

Juliet D'cruz

Compound Interest Calculators and Information

Compound Interest Calculators and Information

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it. He who doesn’t pay it” – Albert Einstein. Whenever you make an investment, you expect to earn a return on the same. Typically you earn interest as a return on your investment. When the interest (& principal) are reinvested again, ...

Juliet D'cruz

Do You Know About the Zorb Ball?

Do You Know About the Zorb Ball?

Whether you’re rolling downhill, walking on water, or pushing yourself or a friend through an obstacle course while zorbing, it’s hard not to have fun. A huge, inflated, flexible plastic ball that one can climb inside is called a zorb. It resembles a human-sized inflatable hamster ball but lacks the rodent variety’s hard shell. They ...