Articles for author: Juliet D'cruz

Juliet D'cruz

How do I become a copy trader?

How do I become a copy trader?

Create a trading account or use one that already exists. Select the type of account that best fits your trading approach, or begin immediately with an existing account. Access your account page. Go to your area and select the account you want to permit copying from. enable the copying parameters Set up your profile by ...

Juliet D'cruz

Compare eToro vs Vantage for fees, safety and more

Compare eToro vs Vantage for fees, safety and more

eToro An international social investing broker is eToro. Top-tier agencies like the UK FCA or America’s ASIC regulate it. Recommended for traders engaged in zero commission stock trading and communal trading (i.e., mimicking other investors’ moves). You will explore the etoro vs vantage fees and interesting facts here. A comparison of their fees shows that ...

Juliet D'cruz

Precious Metals 101

Precious Metals 101

Precious metals are natural metallic chemical elements with high economic value. Silver, palladium, tellurium, bismuth, rhodium, and ruthenium are all examples of precious metals. Learn more in this article!  Silver The ratio of gold to silver has varied over the past decade, ranging from 30 to 86. At present, it is 86 to one, indicating ...

Juliet D'cruz

A Manual for Planting, Trimming and Caring for Trees

A Manual for Planting, Trimming and Caring for Trees

Your yard looks fantastic and has a bed of lush grass, flowers, and shrubs. But something is lacking. A tree! It is what you require. A giant maple or oak that one day might accommodate a tree home or a tire swing, a fruit tree that will serve as the secret ingredient in your fabled ...

Juliet D'cruz

How to use email campaign to improve clientele interaction

How to use email campaign to improve clientele interaction

A business’s relationship with its customers is established through customer interaction. Though you might mistakenly believe that the digital restaurant menu QR code app  is just good for creating your interactive menu, it also serves as a valuable tool for engaging customers. It is a flexible, feature-rich piece of software that can make pub food ...

Juliet D'cruz

The Importance of Accurate CAD Conversion

CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design. It refers to creating virtual models of prospective items using computer software. A wide range of CAD software is available, each with unique characteristics that make it suited for a particular use. As the marketplace advances and the benefits of technology begin to affect a company’s bottom line, it is ...

Juliet D'cruz

Professional resume writers

Professional resume writers

How resume writers work, whether you can get a free consultation, the most common mistakes made by job seekers, safeguards and ethical issues related to resumes. Professional resume writers: how they work and whether you should go to them. Let’s break it down and answer a few interesting questions. What does a professional resume writing ...

Juliet D'cruz

What are some of the best corporate gifts

What are some of the best corporate gifts?

There are many reasons why people choose to work for a company, but the unexpected gestures that make the message resonate are the most important. Whether it’s for the holidays or not, a thoughtful present is always appreciated.    Whether it’s a new hire, a long-term veteran, or someone who went above and beyond in ...

Juliet D'cruz

How to write an essay Qualitatively and Quickly?

How to write an essay Qualitatively and Quickly?

The word “essay” has something in common with “curtsy”, doesn’t it? Finding parallels, we note an amazing pattern: after all, the essay is indeed a kind of curtsey to scientists and their scientific achievements. Consider the question of how to write an essay yourself in more detail. What is an essay? Etymology essay means “report”. ...