Charlotte Miller

What Is Putting Out System?

Are you curious to know what is putting out system? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about putting out system in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is putting out system?

The Putting-Out System, a notable economic arrangement, transcends the pages of history textbooks and continues to be a subject of interest in various academic levels. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Putting-Out System, exploring its definition, historical context, characteristics, and its role in the Industrial Revolution.

What Is Putting Out System?

The Putting-Out System, also known as the workshop system or domestic system, was an early form of decentralized production during the pre-industrial era. This system involved the subcontracting of various stages of the production process to different individuals or households.

What Is Putting Out System Class 7:

In Class 7, students are introduced to historical and economic concepts, and the Putting-Out System may be briefly covered. Understanding the basics at this level lays the foundation for more in-depth exploration in subsequent classes.

What Is Putting Out System Class 9:

As students progress to Class 9, they delve deeper into historical and industrial concepts. The Putting-Out System becomes a more detailed topic, exploring its implications on society, economy, and the transition to more mechanized production methods.

What Is Putting Out System Class 7 Very Short Answer:

In Class 7, a very short answer to the question “What is the Putting-Out System?” could be: The Putting-Out System was a decentralized production method during the pre-industrial era involving subcontracting different stages of production to households.

What Is The Putting-Out System In The Industrial Revolution:

The Putting-Out System played a significant role in the early phases of the Industrial Revolution. It acted as a bridge between traditional artisanal production and the more mechanized, factory-based methods that emerged later in the Industrial Revolution.

Putting-Out System Industrial Revolution Definition:

In the context of the Industrial Revolution, the Putting-Out System refers to the practice of outsourcing various tasks of the production process to individuals or households, contributing to the initial phases of industrialization.

Putting-Out System Definition World History:

In world history, the Putting-Out System is defined as a production method where a central entrepreneur or merchant distributed raw materials to various homes, where skilled workers would carry out different stages of production.

Characteristics Of Putting-Out System:

The Putting-Out System exhibited several key characteristics, including:

  • Decentralized Production: Tasks were distributed to individual homes or small workshops.
  • Manual Labor: Skilled workers carried out tasks using traditional tools and techniques.
  • Merchant Entrepreneurship: Merchants acted as intermediaries, providing raw materials and collecting finished goods.
  • Cottage Industry: The system often led to the development of cottage industries in rural areas.

How Did The Putting-Out System Work:

The Putting-Out System worked through a structured process:

  • Raw Materials Distribution: Merchants provided raw materials to households.
  • Production at Homes: Skilled workers in individual homes or small workshops carried out specific tasks.
  • Collection of Finished Goods: Merchants collected the finished products, often coordinating the entire production process.
  • Payment: Workers were compensated for their specific tasks, usually based on the quantity or quality of their output.


In conclusion, the Putting-Out System represents a significant chapter in economic history, serving as a transitional phase between traditional artisanal methods and the more mechanized processes of the Industrial Revolution. Its decentralized nature, reliance on skilled workers, and the role of merchant entrepreneurs shaped the economic landscape during a pivotal period in human history. Understanding the Putting-Out System provides insights into the evolution of production methods and the socio-economic changes that paved the way for the industrialization that followed.


What Is Meant By Putting-Out System?

The putting-out system can be considered an early form of subcontracting work. It involved employers providing raw materials to households and individuals who would then process them into finished or semi-finished goods in their homes.

What Is Putting-Out System In World History?

domestic system, also called putting-out system, production system widespread in 17th-century western Europe in which merchant-employers “put out” materials to rural producers who usually worked in their homes but sometimes laboured in workshops or in turn put out work to others.

What Was The Cause Of The Putting-Out System?

It served as a way for employers and workers to bypass the guild system, which was thought to be cumbersome and inflexible, and to access a rural labor force. Having the workers work in their homes was convenient for both parties.

What Is The Difference Between Putting-Out System And Factory System?

In putting-out system, workers and artisans worked in better conditions from their individual homes along with their family. Workers faced unemployment because of self-driven machines under factory-system. Skilled artisans became redundant because of automated machinery.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Putting Out System Class 7

What Is Putting Out System Class 9

What Is Putting Out System Class 7 Very Short Answer

What Is The Putting-Out System In The Industrial Revolution

Putting-Out System Industrial Revolution Definition

Putting-Out System Definition World History

Characteristics Of Putting-Out System

How Did The Putting-Out System Work

What Is Putting Out System