Charlotte Miller

What Is Moving Coil Galvanometer?

Are you curious to know what is moving coil galvanometer? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about moving coil galvanometer in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is moving coil galvanometer?

In the world of electrical and electronic instrumentation, the moving coil galvanometer is a crucial device. Its precise measurement capabilities make it an essential tool in various scientific and engineering applications. This blog delves into the fundamental workings of a moving coil galvanometer, its construction, principles of operation, and its significance in measuring electric currents and other physical quantities.

What Is Moving Coil Galvanometer?

A moving coil galvanometer is a type of analog ammeter, designed to measure small electric currents accurately. It operates based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, using a coil of wire suspended in a magnetic field. When an electric current flows through the coil, it experiences a torque due to the interaction between the magnetic field and the current-carrying conductor.

Key Components And Construction

  1. Coil: The core of a moving coil galvanometer is a thin, lightweight coil of wire, often made of copper or aluminum. The coil is mounted on a spindle and can rotate freely within the magnetic field.
  2. Magnetic Field: A permanent magnet or an electromagnet creates a uniform magnetic field in which the coil is suspended. The strength and direction of the magnetic field are carefully controlled to ensure accurate measurements.
  3. Suspension Mechanism: The coil is typically suspended by a thin metallic wire, a torsion fiber, or a spring. This suspension system allows the coil to rotate smoothly.
  4. Damping System: To prevent excessive oscillations and to ensure the pointer comes to rest quickly after the current is applied, a damping system is often employed. This system can consist of air vanes or magnetic damping.

Principles Of Operation

  1. When No Current Flows: In the absence of any current, the coil remains stationary, aligned with the magnetic field. The pointer attached to the coil points to zero on the calibrated scale.
  2. When Current Flows: When an electric current is passed through the coil, it generates a magnetic field around itself. According to Ampere’s law, the coil experiences a torque due to the interaction between this field and the external magnetic field. As a result, the coil rotates.
  3. Angular Deflection: The angle of deflection of the coil is proportional to the current passing through it. By measuring this angle, the current can be determined accurately.

Significance Of Moving Coil Galvanometers

Moving coil galvanometers have several important applications in science, engineering, and technology:

  1. Current Measurement: These devices are primarily used as ammeters to measure electric currents. They can accurately measure both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) over a wide range of values.
  2. Electrical Testing: Moving coil galvanometers are essential tools for electrical testing and troubleshooting in a variety of fields, including electronics, telecommunications, and power engineering.
  3. Calibration Standards: These instruments serve as standards for calibrating other measuring devices, such as voltmeters and ohmmeters, ensuring the accuracy of electrical measurements.
  4. Scientific Research: Moving coil galvanometers are used in various research applications to measure small electrical signals and to conduct experiments in physics and engineering laboratories.
  5. Quality Control: Industries rely on moving coil galvanometers for quality control and assurance, ensuring that electrical devices and components meet specifications and standards.


The moving coil galvanometer is a precise and versatile instrument that plays a critical role in the measurement of electric currents and other physical quantities. Its fundamental principles of operation, simple yet robust construction, and wide range of applications make it an indispensable tool for engineers, scientists, and technicians who depend on accurate electrical measurements in their work. Whether in a laboratory, a factory, or a research facility, the moving coil galvanometer continues to be a fundamental component of the world of electrical and electronic instrumentation.


What Is Moving Coil Galvanometer Class 12 Physics Topic?

Moving coil galvanometer (MCG) is an electrical device which is used to check if a current is flowing in the circuit. We can understand its principle on the basis of torque acting on a current carrying coil in a uniform magnetic field.

What Is Moving Coil Galvanometer And Its Principle?

Principle of Moving Coil Galvanometer

Torque acts on a current-carrying coil suspended in the uniform magnetic field. Due to this, the coil rotates. Hence, the deflection in the coil of a moving coil galvanometer is directly proportional to the current flowing in the coil.

Why Is The Galvanometer Called A Moving Coil Galvanometer?

Why a moving coil galvanometer is called so? Because the coil moves along with the magnet.

What Is A Galvanometer In Physics?

galvanometer, instrument for measuring a small electrical current or a function of the current by deflection of a moving coil. The deflection is a mechanical rotation derived from forces resulting from the current.

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