Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits: A Handy Guide

Berry Mathew


Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits: A Handy Guide

Legal disputes known as personal injury cases occur when one person is harmed by an accident or injury and another party may be held legally liable for that harm or tort. The wounded party will receive money from the at-fault party’s insurance carrier to cover medical bills, pain and suffering, and any ongoing medical costs. 

Your personal injury lawyer will collaborate with insurance companies and hospital attorneys if the case concerns medical misconduct. An Aurora attorney near you will experience the case through your eyes, and help represent you to the best of their abilities. 

What is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases in Illinois? 

Statutes of limitations in Illinois place a time limit on how soon after being hurt one can initiate a lawsuit. The defendant may request that the court dismiss the case as untimely if it is filed after the statute of limitations has expired. Distinct types of injuries have different statutes of limitations. A person typically has two years from the date of their accident to bring a lawsuit for their personal injury claim. Although some legal theories help to extend the statute of limitations deadline, these theories shouldn’t be depended upon. If you’re uncertain as to whether or not your case is within the statute of limitations for Illinois, you should contact a personal injury attorney ASAP. 

3 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney to Handle Your Claim

By knowing why personal injury attorneys are valuable, you can feel assured that hiring one is the right choice. There are three key reasons to hire a personal injury to handle your claim in 2023: 

1. They Have Valuable Legal Expertise 

You may probably feel both physical pain from your injuries and intense emotions after a collision with injuries or another kind of injury accident. Trauma can make it more difficult for you to evaluate your claim rationally. A knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyer can also provide in-depth legal expertise to help you handle your claim and get just compensation for your losses. The more you trust them to represent you fairly, the more easily you can move on with your life as your personal injury claim processes through its timeline. Personal injury suits can occasionally take quite a while, so having the ability to trust the attorney you hire to handle the ins and outs of the situation for you can be incredibly calming. 

2. They Can Help You Prevent Filing Mistakes

As soon as they realize that an accident victim was hurt, insurance firms get in touch with them. An adjuster may get in touch with you and say that the insurer needs to hear your side of the story. The adjuster could come across as a sympathetic someone who cares about your injuries when they ask you if you’d want to give a recorded statement. In reality, adjusters are not dedicated to the interests of accident victims but rather to those of their employers. The insurance company will use whatever you say against you in your claim if you consent to provide a recorded statement. Similarly to this, insurance firms will occasionally mail victims release papers to obtain their medical records. Attorneys can help protect you from potentially malicious behavior from insurance adjusters, and ensure you get the compensation that you rightfully deserve.

3. They Can Give You Peace of Mind

Most people who endure severe injuries as a result of other people’s acts have psychological and emotional stress that is difficult to deal with as a result of the accident they were in. Trying to handle your personal injury claim while you are coping with these injuries might add extra stress. When you retain a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after being hurt, they can handle every part of your claim, giving you peace of mind that everything will be handled correctly. Attorneys are people, just like you, so they understand that stressful situations are difficult to navigate. With their expertise, experience, and compassion, they can ensure that you’re not put through any needless emotional suffering as you’re dealing with the blowback of the injury that led you to file a personal injury lawsuit in the first place. Attorneys can take on the negotiation process so that you do not have to deal with extra mental suffering and anguish. 

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

To ensure your lawsuit goes as quickly and smoothly as possible, you need to hire a personal injury attorney. These attorneys often work on contingency, so people of all budgetary means can afford to hire one to represent their interests.