The importance of learning to ask good questions

Juliet D'cruz

The importance of learning to ask good questions

At the time of school learning and when processing experiences, the art of learning to rehearse good questions has a potential that we sometimes ignore during the development of our family. For this, we reflect on the scope that the questions can have and how we can learn to identify them. You can also help your children by taking help from essay writer service.

The question is synonymous with movement

Trigger questions and questions have been around since time immemorial. In fact, philosophy lays its foundations in Ancient Greece at the hands of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle from questions, rather than answers.

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The question is synonymous with movement. One of the advantages of the habit of asking questions is that, in principle, from the moment we ask them, we put all our mental faculties into action in order to find an answer or something similar to it. During this process many times we may experience internal tensions and/or lack of comfort in the answers or emerging questions.

The ‘canned’ questions

It is important to start from the basis that not all of us were raised with the habit of asking questions. It is very common to find cases where the family parenting style provided more “pre-fabricated” answers than questions, since the question often implies a questioning that is not always well received.

Although it is true that in principle, we tend to be much more interested and motivated by the answers, a good question has the virtue of providing us with part of the answer(s) and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Even if we don’t feel like we’ve reached an answer or conclusion, questions often constantly direct and reposition us to new instances, states, or beliefs that we might never have reached otherwise. And the engine of these questions is undoubtedly curiosity, so characteristic and present in children and adolescents.

On the other hand, questions also have the potential to get us stuck in places that are unproductive or not conducive to any particular growth.

A bad question has just as much counterproductive power as “made” or “automatic” answers. One of those that we repeat to ourselves to advance in our day to day. This may be related in part to an excessive use of the question or directly to a poor formulation of it.

How to distinguish between good and bad questions?

That is an excellent question, excuse the redundancy. Although there is no golden rule regarding this topic, it is very important to challenge ourselves about the “why” of these questions to give meaning to their formulation. In that sense, good questions should facilitate:

  • A better understanding: “Why do I think gravity is necessary?” “How do I think this phenomenon occurs?” “What caused the end of World War 2?”
  • Consolidate knowledge: “Where can I find examples of low birth rates in the world?” “How can I verify that data?” “Where did you want to get with that theory?”
  • Discern points of view: “What does Adam Smith say about Capitalism and why does he defend that model?” “Why does Karl Marx oppose him and decide to propose socialism?” “What do I agree with and what don’t I agree with about these models?”
  • Self-Challenge: “Do I agree with this?” “Why do I think it bothered me?” “
  • Identification and/or empathy: “What kind of character was Quixote? “Would I have done the same as him? Why yes and why not?
  • Summarize and focus: “What was the most important thing Bolívar said in that speech?” “What caught my attention?” “Are there more central ideas”?
  • Question paradigms: “What would happen if we suddenly stopped breathing?” “How would a society live without the sun?” “Could the world work without money”?

If we manage to transmit just some of these types of questions or motivations in our family nucleus, the benefits can be essential for children’s growth, especially in terms of social skills.

This includes greater participation in class and/or in groups, tolerance to listen to other opinions, valuing research and curiosity, developing critical and analytical thinking, and signifying apparently already learned ideas.