Laser hair removal: advice, costs and advantages

Berry Mathew

Laser hair removal: advice, costs and advantages

Personal care has always been a way to love yourself and to feel better about yourself and others. One way to do this, especially in the female world, but more frequently also in the male one, has always been epilation. Today it is possible to be able to permanently get rid of unwanted hair with the help of the laser, a modern tool, which implements a definitive and extremely effective hair removal technique. In this way you can say goodbye to the old and sometimes painful ways of shaving: waxing, razors and sometimes harmful depilatory creams.

How does laser hair removal work?

You must have wondered how laser epilation is a definitive system. The hairs, in this type of process, are not pulled out, but taken at the root, specifically in the hair bulb, they are burned. The skin pigment absorbs the light and, heating up to 60 degrees, burns the foicle at the root. This without damage to the skin and with an almost perfect result. The most easily eradicated hairs are the thickest and darkest ones because they absorb light and are burned more easily.

With blond or very thin hair the result is not totally satisfactory. In these cases, in fact, laser hair removal does not take root completely and makes the job not exactly perfect. In the treated areas, laser epilation eliminates 80% of the hair: what remains is fluff or thin hair. It would be good to practice maintenance sessions so as to make the results more and more definitive.

Does laser work?

As technology evolves and new technologies are defined, it also happens that they become more accessible to everyone. In the past, for example, when laser hair removal began to spread, the prices were decidedly prohibitive.

To shave arms and legs, you could even spend 400 dollars. Today the prices are more accessible: for smaller areas such as the moustache, groin and armpits it takes between 20 and 30 dollars, up to a maximum of 100 dollars for larger areas such as the arms and legs. For the latter areas between 8 and 10 sessions are required, while for the smaller areas even 5 are enough. The number of sessions may vary according to the type of hair to be treated. The duration of the session can range from 10 to 30 minutes. However, this is not an arbitrary treatment. You should contact the professionals and if you ask us, we would recommend 3D Lipo London Laser hair removal.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal

Diode lasers

This type of epilation has more advantages than disadvantages. However, it is good to point out some fundamental aspects. With very dark skin, laser hair removal is not recommended because there is a risk of depigmentation of the treated area. On the other hand, this type of epilation is painless: a little tingling during the treatment and a slight redness of the treated area are the only effects you will see. If the treated area is full of moles, it is important to proceed with particular attention and in the same way in the presence of acne or skin abrasions. In theory there are no particular problems in case of pregnancy, but the skin of the woman in this state could become more sensitive and the treatment could be annoying. It’s preferable not to do laser epilation when you intend to expose yourself to the sun, so choose winter so you’re ready and perfectly shaved when summer arrives.

Having said that, as you can see, rather than disadvantages there are only small indications to follow in order to decide to have a laser hair removal treatment. The benefits far outweigh the minor annoyances you have to deal with. Only one recommendation: contact only serious and qualified professionals.