Finding The Best Disability Lawyer To Represent You Against Insurance Companies 

Juliet D'cruz


Finding The Best Disability Lawyer To Represent You Against Insurance Companies 

There are various reasons why disability insurance companies may deny your claim. Suppose you tried filing for disability insurance yourself and ended up with a denied claim. In that case, it is time to look for an excellent lawyer that will fight against the insurance company and ensure that you get what you deserve. 

Finding the right lawyer for denial claims can be challenging, especially when you have no idea where or how to find one. However, to make your search hunt easier, here are a few tips that will help you find the best lawyer to represent you against the insurance company. 

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Look for their experience with long and short-term disability insurance.

A lawyer with no experience in handling disability insurance cases will probably not be able to handle your case. Look for an attorney or lawyer who has experience with SSA appeals. This is because a denied claim involves various process levels. 

Ask the strategy of the lawyer.

Fighting against the insurance company for your denied claim can be complex. After discussing your case, ask the lawyer how they will represent your case. If the lawyer talks about approval rate instead of their strategy, switch to another lawyer. 

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Ask the right questions and their case management. 

Denied disability claims cases involve plenty of paperwork. Look for a lawyer who will help you from the start to the end with filing the lawsuit. Furthermore, do not hesitate to ask the right questions to the lawyer. Watch out for their response to understand how the lawyer is. 

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Look for a lawyer that effectively communicates with you. 

Your lawyer may be busy, but it is a clear red flag if they take a long time to respond. The lawyer should communicate with you professionally and regularly. This is because any delay in the communication for your denied claim can affect your case negatively. Keep an eye on how quickly they respond to your calls, messages or how fast they arrange meetings. 

Referrals from people who have been through the same 

One of the easiest and quickest ways to get the best lawyer to handle your disability case is by talking to someone who has been through the same. After your injury, you may have spent your rehabilitation time with others. Talk to them. Another way is to talk to their previous clients to understand their experience. 

Your comfort

In the end, if you are not comfortable working with the lawyer, or if you feel like the lawyer is working for their interest instead of yours, it is time to look for another lawyer.